Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Apache Blessing

May the sun bring you new energy by day, 
may the moon softly restore you by night, 
may the rain wash away your worries, 
may the breeze blow new strength into your being, 
may you walk gently through the world and 
know it's beauty all the days of your life.
 - Apache Blessing

Monday, March 31, 2014

Magic Mondays

there's something about Monday's... that I'm not going to let happen anymore... the Misery Attack.

Doing the math based on a random life span of 76 years of which I am now midway through my 57th year so we have a nice round number of 20 years to calculate. 
20 years x 52 weeks is  1040 Mondays 

So lets say 1000 Mondays, because we like round numbers, that is 1000 days, 1/7th of the total 7000 of my ever shortening allotment of days to live in this particular body, in this story, on this level of spiritual evolution,  and really just to have fun, be fulfilled as a person as a woman, all that shit that I really thought was more like tens of thousands of days away
For a random exercise: 76 x 365 = 27,740 days of that earthly life is definitely in the 5 digits for 64% of that life. so I am well into the last 36.04542% of my days (given that 76 years, which I might be re-evaluating as my random life span when I do this exercise when I am in my 66th year. Which in itself is interesting because at that point I will have lived longer than my mother. And heaven forbid something happens to me before then because i have not got my shit together and there's a lot of stuff around here I'd rather deal with than have my kids have to sort through...

Sooo... this is the first of the next 1000 Magic Mondays!
Starting my list of how to make Monday's magic:
1. Start with 5 minutes walking with the earbuds and something loud that makes me walk faster and then even if I only go that 5 minutes I haven't procrastinated but tonight I kept going to Rod Stewart's "Downtown Train" and I don't even care if the cars driving by had a window open and heard me. I think that CCR and ACDC would work really well for this too...* to do: create a Monday music playlist.
2.  Here's another thing, I usually feel that Monday i should only eat healthy, right after any weekend indulgence and dealing with my body issues (that I really don't want to stress over for my estimated 7000 more days( if I live to 96 I'm back into the 14,000 day range and that would be just ridiculous to waste time seeing only my bellyfat in the mirror and wondering how I can wring out my wine indulged liver start over, cumulative effects are the worst to think about) But this is not working for me... so here's tonight's dinner; potatoes and salad! and yes, wine on Monday makes me happy and that's the magic plain and simple.

here's the potatoes that did it for me
2 potatoes
olive oil
sea salt
And a great kitchen gadget that slices the potatoes really thinly

and then the salad, one of my staples
Whatever greens are in the fridge tonight was romaine and kale. I rubbed the kale, which is definitely worth doing!
Some kind of onions, i had some green onions which is a treat this time of year. Has to have avocado then some sweet pepper and a few dried cranberries for fun.
juice of 1 lemon
tbsp dijon
tbsp white balsamic
tbsp or maybe 2 honey
olive oil
maybe some s and p 
shake or whisk together, dip leaves in it and taste until you get the combo that makes your taste buds jump for joy.
3. While I was looking for the perfect potato recipe for my mood tonight i was following random threads on Pinterest and discovered my sister's gardening pins which are exactly the kinds of things I would pin and 
Easy composting. Great microbial activity, promotes earthworms. so now i'm in that happy place I'm going to put this Monday to bed with my bookclub book that I need to finish for this Thursday's meeting.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Happy 2014

A New Year to:

Love more
Laugh more
Believe in me more
Risk more
Play more
Work more
Live in the Light!

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; It is because we do not dare that they are difficult.