Thursday, August 27, 2020

Tombstone wisdom

 Doc Holliday: "What did you ever want?"

Wyatt Earp: "Just to live a normal life."

Doc Holliday: "There’s no normal life, Wyatt, it’s just life. Get on with it."
Wit and wisdom from the movie Tombstone

There is a lot of wishful thinking in the world these days. As if we think wishing hard enough will make things go back to "normal". In my opinion Doc's down to earth answer should be posted on billboards everywhere.
I've not watched Tombstone.. but I've grown fond of Doc Holiday's character reading his quotes so I'm putting it on my list of movies that I had never considered but now have a reason to watch.

 Bonus quote to illustrate why this seems like it will be an entertaining movie.
“It appears he missed an excellent chance to keep his mouth shut.” — Doc Holliday, Tombstone

Monday, August 24, 2020

Response for growth and happiness

 "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies your freedom and power to choose your response. In those responses lie your growth and your happiness."

Author Unknown (attributed at times to Victor Frankl and at times to Steven Covey)

Responses be messy, awkward and uncomfortable but it leads somewhere. I think I get stuck sometimes in thinking that my response has to be the right one. But if I wait until I know the "right" response I will stay in one place forever (what? doesn't the world revolve around me?? aren't I owed happiness served to me on a plate???) 
This dance of life is about making mistakes and taking chances. I am learning that doing what scares me, doing what I think I can't do, challenging myself to shift out of the need to "know" and into embracing what comes as opportunities to learn, grow and serve is bringing energy into my life. Being Bored and Stuck are choices I do not want to be making. Living life waiting for things to get better is not living. 
I know this because I've been waiting for things more times than I care to admit to myself ... and every time it deepens my knowing that things just don't happen that way. I like to think that my responses are coming faster as time goes on and I know that I'm mistaking all over the place, but crazily enough, doing the hard thing is becoming easier than doing the easy thing, doing nothing or waiting. Paradoxes all over the place!!
Living is Messy and Messy opens up worlds