Thursday, June 30, 2022


Here's a painting I did a couple days ago. I'm calling it
Where imagination goes to dream


Canada Day 2022

 "As a citizen of the world, you look for similarities instead of differences." - Svetlana G.

My thoughts:
Tomorrow is Canada Day, a day I look forward to celebrating but not thought about what it meant to me. 
We are challenged more every day to see our similarities as we react to personal experience and the social and news feeds that highlight our differences. We, as groups, are becoming more and more entrenched in our beliefs. In my opinion the only purpose in believing conspiracy theories or that government is evil or that the other 'side' is getting more economic benefits or privileges, or any other way we think we are made a victim, is to avoid taking responsibility for the ONLY THING we can be responsible for - which is how we live our life. 

We are not deserving of anything except what we create. 
Those of us with resources to feed, clothe and shelter ourselves, 
those of us with education and health care resources available, 
those of us who live in a country not at war, in a geo location with plentiful natural resources that, although we are pillaging them as quickly as we can, is still buffered from the most extreme consequences of climate change, 
those of us who have the conceit and belief that we are somehow entitled to this 
Could take this opportunity to look at what we have to be grateful for and what we can do to make this a better world for everyone.

For Canada Day I will look for stories from here and around the globe; stories from people in Ukraine, Syria, Africa, South America, Haiti, and everywhere people are. Stories from refugee camps, war zones, earthquake centers and other environmentally devasted places. These will not be the sensational news stories but the stories of how groups of people and individuals are supporting each other and working to save animals and trees, the stories that inspire me to be a better person.  

For Canada Day I will avoid news and social media stories that enhance differences, stories that apportion blame, stories that spread dissatisfaction and fear. 

For Canada Day, and always, I will try to be the Canadian and global citizen that I respect and take pride in; inclusive of everyone, seeing similarities, speaking up against injustice, feeling gratitude and being kind.
