Thursday, April 25, 2024


 "It was only a sunny smile,
and little it cost in the giving,
But like morning light 
It scattered the night
and made the day worth living."

F. Scott Fitzgerald



 “I remember the words of Bill Tall Bull, a Cheyenne elder. As a young person, I spoke to him with a heavy heart, lamenting that I had no native language with which to speak to the plants and the places that I love. “They love to hear the old language,” he said, “it’s true.” “But,” he said, with fingers on his lips, “You don’t have to speak it here.” “If you speak it here,” he said, patting his chest, “They will hear you.”

There is a language our hearts know
that is heard in a world we can only know when we let go of what we think we know

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Letting go - April 18th

“Success does not lie in sticking to things. It lies in picking the right thing to stick to and quitting the rest.”

The decision is the difficult part. It seems that the more I focus on what I am giving up the more I want to keep it. If I have to make a decision about giving up something I love, or think is something I should do, or something that will take me in the direction of my dreams, because to keep going is no longer is wise, it feels like I'm giving up on a part of me and that not having or doing whatever it was will leave an empty, unfillable space inside. But the more decisions I make to moderate or eliminate things that I'm clinging to because of the fear of what letting go will mean to my life the more focus I can give to where I'm going and how to be who I want to be.

“In large part, we are what we do, and our identity is closely connected with whatever we’re focused on, including our careers, relationships, projects, and hobbies. When we quit any of those things, we have to deal with the prospect of quitting part of our identity. And that is painful.”

Annie Duke, Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Creative Act - April 4th & 11th 2024


April 4th quote

"Discipline and freedom seem like opposites. In reality they are partners. 
Discipline is not a lack of freedom, it is a harmonious relationship with time."
From: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin 

April 11th quote

"Listening opens possibilities. It allows you to see a bigger world. Many of our beliefs were learned before we had a choice in what we were taught. Some of them might go back generations and may no longer apply. Some many never have applied.

Listening, then, is not just awareness. It is freedom from accepted limitations."

Rick Rubin from The Creative Act: A Way of Being