Thursday, May 30, 2019

Unfinished songs

"I write every day. I walk around in silent conversation with my latest unfinished songs."
Gord Downie, 
The Tragically Hip

I think we all walk around with our own songs playing in our heads, I know I do and last night I was trying to remember what my unfinished songs were 10 years ago and if they are the same now. Funny how many are still unfinished... 
Listening to music, especially music with lyrics as thoughtful, relevant, beautiful as the Tragically Hip's is a release from my own songs and fears and longings for a more caring, sharing world. Thanks to these and all musicians who work so hard to get their songs out. 

Here's a quote I've used before... a little bonus from the Hip
“With illusions of someday casting a golden light
No dress rehearsal, this is our life.”          From: "Ahead By A Century” – The Tragically Hip (Trouble At The Henhouse, 1996)
For the people who are getting this weekly quote for the first time please enjoy, no response necessary unless you feel the urge.
If you want off this list just email me back. If there is anyone you think would enjoy getting this weekly quote, which is, hopefully, a thought provoking and positive message on Thursday mornings pass this on or have them send me a message.

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