Thursday, May 14, 2020

Oaks and Turtles

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. 
Greek proverb  

Everyday we are planting seeds that will grow well beyond our lifetime. We can choose the seeds we want to plant... lots of people are planting trees and by their actions our children may end up with a forest remaining here and there. 
It would be nice to have some people planting mighty oaks ... an acorn takes a very long time to grow and is subject to many perils, yet it can provide shade for centuries if it is allowed to mature.
We all have acorns inside us, its those darn perils that seem so daunting our hard shells never even crack let alone germinate. 
Great opportunity now - the times they are a changing - some are sprouting. For the sake of the future I hope they are prolific enough that a few survive the minefields, the plastic wastelands and toxic air to grow strong and free. 

(reminds me of turtle hatch-lings trying to cross the beach to the relative safety of water through the gantlet of  predators that scoop them up and gulp them down for an instant's gratification -  the few that pass this hurdle have a chance to swim into a new world and face new predators - and the few that make it there have a chance to grow and face new predators.... it's a miracle there are any grown turtles.
Yet everyone one of these turtles could not do it any other way... hiding in the bushes or under a stone is not an option nor is attacking back or growing a harder more encompassing shell  to protect their vulnerability)

Anishinaabe artist designs Twitter Turtle Island emoji for Indigenous History Month

A special edition Turtle Island emoji can be activated on Twitter by using certain hashtags during the month of June.

The emoji, designed by Anishinaabe artist Nancy King who goes by the name Chief Lady Bird, was created in honour of Indigenous History Month. (June 2018)

Anishinaabe artist designs Twitter Turtle Island emoji for ...


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