Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Avoiding reality and avoiding responsibility gives away our freedom


“We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality”
Ayn Rand

“Liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty as well as by the abuses of power.”
James Madison

The more freedom we have, the more responsibility we have. Period!!

Paradoxically when we have freedom and liberty we absolve religion and government and even corporations from responsibility. Our freedom to choose means that they can be as corrupt and greedy and unfair as they want and take no responsibility because we, the people, have given them the power. 

The more I think about it, the stronger the answer resounds in my head; we have choices whether we think we do or not. Complaining is a choice we make that gives away our power. There are other actions we can take at any time... they just aren't comfortable. They likely mean we need to give up a luxury we've been accustomed to, or some of our precious time here and there, and we may end up having really difficult conversations with ourselves and others, even alienating some people we care about because this kind of change is threatening to the status quo and resistance to new thinking is a powerful force which gets stronger and more entrenched when we feel we are right and close our minds to the possibility of anything else. (such as resistance to believing the earth is round and revolves around the sun, or resistance to believing that human activity is causing or at the very least accelerating climate change)

I think we have grown so accustomed to compromising real value for what we think we want that it has become habit to overconsume, to believe that we are not hurting anyone when we are blind to institutional injustice and bullying, when we ignore the rights of other people if they interfere with what we want, and to complain that things are shitty but do nothing because it is easier to think that we are helpless to make a difference, but...

Sadly I'm coming to the conclusion that ignorance is not an excuse because if we have freedom we are ultimately responsible for the actions of those we vote for, otherwise that freedom is just a word. This, I think, is part of what constitutes the abuse of liberty... basically we want our freedom but have cherry picked our version of freedom to mean our freedom to determine our personal achievements and rewards and let "someone else" take care of our collective home; the earth, and all the inhabitants that share it.

The truth is, no one of us can be free until everybody is free
Maya Angelou

Beyond the basic necessities of food and water (and billions of people do not even have these) there is nothing that is so important we are justified in not taking responsibility for its impact. 

Instead of focusing on our own comfort and continually sweeping the uncomfortable issues under the carpet, it is time we take some steps to bring the awkward and uncomfortable truth to the table and take action to address the issues.... If we don't make changes soon this "comfort" that we take for granted now will become a thing of the past. 

I'm not advocating going totally radical in one day, although I think that would be exhilarating and bring many of us to a place of feeling more alive and powerful than we have ever experienced in anything else we've done.

It is time though to evaluate what is really important... things like what kind of world are our children and our grandchildren going to live in. What kinds of "freedom" are going to be left to them

I hear people say we have no power but we have all the power. It is our dollars that purchase the goods, use the land and resources. Our dollars that own the corporations and us as shareholders and investors that are complicit in their activities. We have a wake up call to get our heads out of the sand and deal with the mess we are now while we still have a semblance of freedom. 

This may sound like a negative message and I promised positive so here's the really great part:
We have the power now if we can get out of our own way and use it responsibly! WE are determining the future by our choices; how liberating is that!!
Any little action compounds over time, ripples and multiplies like a smile:-)

I will make a new action each week that I will take and tell you as an example and I challenge you to take actions yourselves as we are all responsible people.
Starting pretty simple here... Going to look at the energy that is wasted in my house. Having appliances connected everywhere may not use much energy but imagine how many homes there are with things running in the background that we hardly ever use. My microwave is basically a clock on my counter because I use it so rarely, I just unplugged it. I'm going to turn off and unplug this computer as soon as I finish this message that has taken me all day and a lot of personal brain energy. 
If this seems like too little a gesture not worth your time I suggest unplugging the internet, turning off wireless routers and Alexa's and Google homes when we go out or go to bed. Maybe even trying a week without using them I wonder what would happen to us ... 

Thanks to all who read this whole thing.
Till next week

And it is us that owns the corporations that force people to work in atrocious conditions, use child labour and cause wars for the precious resources needed to feed our voracious appetites for disposable luxuries. If we even own a share or belong to an organization that owns a share in a company that commits these crimes against the earth and humanity then we are responsible. That is what our freedom means

We are getting a wake up call to address the rampant waste, destruction and injustice before it turns around and consumes us with violence and vengeance. There is no saying we're sorry, no second chance and we are doing this to ourselves so there isn't any excuse.

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