Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Clock time

The clock on the wall that stopped a few weeks ago says the right time right now. 2:20. It doesn't say that it is a.m., but the darkness outside my window and the tiredness behind my eyes won't let me forget. Maybe it will stay 2:20 a.m. forever. Then I wouldn't have to see what 2:30 a.m. will bring - or won't ...like; my daughter.

Dear God please keep her safe -
And Dear God please know what I'm asking because my words do not come close to being what all I'm asking. And what is safe? Do I know? How will I know? How can I let myself go to sleep not knowing? How can I stay awake and be able to make any decision or think rationally when she does return? What do I do? What is she asking of me now?

The only thing I do know is she needs something from me and I don't know what that is and I don't know how to look for it or how to trust it enough when I find it to do what she needs me to do.

Okay, the clocks are no longer in sync and all I can do right now is to love her and know that whatever else the sun will rise in the morning.

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