Saturday, August 26, 2006

Persian Carpets?

Like yesterday and the day before I worked in the garden today. Had help which was cool, first Jill came for coffee and pulled some weeds, then Lisa and her dog Ilse showed up and we pulled some more. Place is looking great, even I can see beyond what isn't done to the beauty now. Lisa, bless her, took over wheelbarrowing mulch and my back is sooooo grateful ... better than a massage Lisa!

After we had a beer, maybe two, Lisa left and I lay down because yesterday's mulching caught up with me. And I was into this delicious drift, part sleep, part awareness of how wonderful it was to be lying down when there was a heavy rapping on the door. First I thought "oh shit" I'll just ignore it, then I thought it might be someone I really wanted to see, some long lost friend or maybe even someone bringing me flowers (well, stranger things have happened-someone brought me a gingerbread house with lights out of the blue at Christmas).

I opened the door and there was this man, in a suit, at almost 6:00 Saturday evening, standing there and a blue van in the driveway. I'm usually polite, and never thought to make this an expection, but inside I was not happy. Anyways, he smiles and says hello and then asks if I'm German??? I say no, and he says well the name at the top of the driveway is a German name, and he's German so he thought it might be German people that lived here ... huh??? He did not look German at all, more middle east or something, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Then he asks if I like carpets ... huh? (In my ideal world this is not how I want to be woken up) Turns out he's selling Persian Carpets - real ones mind you - for 2 or 3 dollars ... I did not go to the van, did not pass go, said goodbye and watched them drive up the lane.

There is something here that does not make any sense to me. Unfortunately I started thinking about robbers scoping out houses and stuff like that. Fortunately I remembered that I believe fear and mistrust are no way to live life and I put it down as another odd incident that probably has some meaning I'm too tired to think of. I mean, in a world that makes a movie about Snakes on a Plane there seems no limit to the bizarre and pointless (in my perspective) things that people get up to.

In case anyone is as lost as I am with this I'm adding a couple of garden pictures to get back to my version of sanity. (please notice the mulching)

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