Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dead Iguana

I got stuck thinking about the dead Iguana we passed on the road.

That was two months ago, and still I wonder what I wanted to recognize about the Iguana so strongly I couldn't get beyond it. I'd already made a big deal about him lying there sprawled out on the road in the full hot sun like he was in a heat trance and maybe not really dead at all and I'd said a prayer for his soul, although I know people will say Iguanas don't have souls like ours, but they are made up of cells and molecules just like us and live and die just like us and all other creatures and live and have a purpose on this planet just like us and therefore we are all part of one really large family and when any death crosses our path some recognition and show of respect and appreciation of their life is important. This I know to be true, the same way I know that the icicles are dripping outside my window and spring is coming.

Here is my prayer;
Iguana, you beautiful miracle of a creature, unique and no more or less special that the rest of creation but perfect in who and what you are, what you came from and what you become, I recognize, respect and appreciate your presence and value the experience of our paths crossing in this life and all you have taught me. I bless you with all the love, peace and joy in my heart.

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