Thursday, February 20, 2020

Rambling today

The Status Quo can be an opportunity if every time we feel out of our comfort zone we look at our assumptions and what we believe to be the "way things are" and use our imaginations to see other ways things can be.
Like Harry Potter and other heroes! We can be ordinary people and still use our brain and imagination to not live an ordinary life. A life where we don't have to walk a rigid line and do what everyone else does and be and dress and talk like everyone else!! Wow, scary because would our friends still like us? would we still have job or money security?? would we become outcast, everyone laugh at us? will we be humiliated because the rest of our world thinks we are stupid?? is that okay?? How is it not okay?? Because every day that I live with these niggles in my head that I'm part of the sickness/epidemic and not part of the cure. Until I take action I am one of those people who is denying vaccinations and fighting tooth and nail to hang on to my old beliefs, comfort level because "I" will be okay... NOT okay "I" am withering more day by day into a shrivelled being inside a shell that is going through the motions of living.
I would rather be HURT i would rather be cold and in pain and die than keep shrivelling!!
Jump out of the pot into the fire before you boil little frog... the only hope is that we can leap through the heat and into a New World that we have not imagined or experienced before

"New Low" by Sarah Harmer
Couldn't find those lyrics yet ... being released tomorrow
But here are lyrics for
New Loneliness by Sarah Harmer
There is just one apple on the tree
It isn't like I hoped it'd be
Yesterday when there was still you
I looked and I swear that I saw two
Maybe a wandering white-tailed deer
Came in the night to make it even more clear
And left me just one, a Spartan no less
To remind me of my new loneliness
There is just one oar leaning against the wall
What of our plans for paddles in the Fall?
With the reeds grown high in a winding maze
We were to follow old waterways
Maybe a hovering dragonfly
Will rest on a cattail and wonder why
There is no clamoring at the shore
Of two in a canoe with each an oar
There is just one pillow on the bed
Where a solitary someone lays her head
Source: Musixmatch

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