Thursday, February 27, 2020

Courage 2 ways

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."

Winston Churchill

I was looking for a quote about Standing tall, as in having the courage to stand up for what you believe no matter how unpopular it is. When I read this quote from Winston Churchill I realized it goes deeper. Because our beliefs can get us stuck ... possibly because when we believe strongly we are right our ego grabs onto that and we end up defending our belief so much we stop hearing anything but our own voice and we get a little stubborn. (ha ha; I may have a little personal experience of doing this)

Sometimes Standing tall is more than being convinced that our belief it the absolute right place to stand. I think that we could do some deep digging on what we are standing tall about ... what is underneath it?? And what are the realities of those who are standing tall in opposition to us?? Is it possible that somewhere underneath all the posturing and words, the arguments and illustrations we use to affirm what we are convinced is right there are places where we are all have the same fears? We talk over each other, wouldn't it serve more to talk with each other? Does one side always have to be wrong for the other side to be right?

Maybe we could take a break from having to 'be right' and stand tall for listening deeply and start from there to work on solutions. 


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