Friday, March 13, 2020

Fitting in paradox

“What I realized much later, paradoxically, is that by trying to fit in, I was strengthening the culture that made me feel like I didn’t fit in.”

Well this quote hit me like a ton of bricks!! As we go deeper into the onion I feel there is going to be infinite more paradoxes like this. 
Crap, it may not be good enough to just be weird and accept being the only one who thinks like me... there may be more to do to empower people to move beyond  "this is the way it is"  in our world. I just finished Melinda Gates book and it is an eye opener.  

“Being yourself sounds like a saccharin prescription for how to make it in an aggressive culture but it's not as sweet as it sounds. It means not acting in a way that is false just to fit in. It's expressing your talent, values, and opinions in your style, defending your rights, and never sacrificing yourself respect. That is power.”

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