Thursday, March 26, 2020


Paradox: In isolation we are walking together. There is no us and them, we cannot help others as long as we feel we are different in any way. As long as we blame others and absolve ourselves we are in the wilderness. We are in this together as inhabitants of earth and the only way to stay here is to forget differences, share resources, and build communities that are connected. No one wins, no one loses, we walk together

The Print Artist: Marie McMahon
'You Are On Aboriginal Land' Screen Print  
The Quote Author: Lilla Watson

'If you have come to help me you are wasting your time. If you have come because your Liberation is bound together with mine, let us walk together'.
Lilla Watson, visual artist, activist and academic is often credited with this quote:
The quote has served as a motto for many activist groups in Australia and elsewhere. A possible origin for the quote is a speech given by Lilla Watson at the 1985 United Nations Decade for Women Conference in Nairobi.
Lilla has said of this quote that she was "not comfortable being credited for something that had been born of a collective process" and prefers that it be credited to "Aboriginal activists group, Queensland, 1970s."

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