Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day 3 - March 16th

Another 25 km day. A very Long 25 km day!! Started at 8:30 am finished at 4:15. Sunny and a colder, it was -2 C and there was frost on the ground when we started but after a few ups and down of the escarpment everyone shed a layer or two. (I'm not sure what made me think that the trail went along the ridge most of the time, turns out that was only wishful thinking)

Nature lessons today: 
Vernal Pool
Vernal pool; a seasonal pond/pool of water that typically fills in the spring and goes dry in the hot summer. One of their benefits is that no fish live in them to prey on the eggs and young of frogs, salamanders and turtles etc. so they are great breeding habitat for these species. 

Walking Fern
Walking fern: ferns with long pointed leaves that grow on moss covered limestone boulders. New ferns grow from the tips of the leaves that touch the ground.

Lunch break was at the Balls Falls Conservation Area

Balls Falls

Photo opp
tub at the falls
(off my feet for a sec)
Fifteen minute lunch break is barely enough time to find a seat, take off back pack, unpack lunch, wolf down food and rub some numbing stuff on ankle. I get that we'll seize up if we sit too long but a few more minutes would be nice sometimes

So far lunch has been half a peanut butter sandwich (on my sourdough bread) and a protein bar. Saving my apple for eating later on the move.
Too tired in the evening to get creative with food ... I'm hoping that will change soon!

Continuing on we saw the spectacular Louth Falls, creeks from high vantages and alongside, crossing them at places on rocks to slippery slopes or wooden bridges, before heading up to higher ground again. At some point (I think it was about 2:30 finding out we still had 9 km to go) life became about putting one foot down after another. For some reason I found myself singing John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (almost silently), then James James Morrison Morrison Wetherby George Dupree... remembering lots of childhood family memories. The end bit was through quagmires of heavy, slippery, gucky mud! Made it though, with a great feeling of accomplishment having 70 km trail done!

Today's tip: Mullen is Nature's toilet paper (although it doesn't seem to be around when it is needed.
Louth Falls

Sadly Bogey did not appear
I really appreciated the sign though

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