Friday, March 13, 2020

Bruce Trail Warm up Saturday March 7th

Hike at Hilton Falls side trails Saturday March 7th coordinated by Bruce Trail hike leader and our End to End fundraiser coordinator.

Hilton Falls March 7th, 2020
Beautiful day, sunny and about 5 C. Trail was super icy in many places so wore the icers/crampons the whole hike.

Good news for the coming weeks is that I hiked 20.8 k!! I will not say that it was easy, the part after half way brief lunch break had a challenging component where I had to focus on each step and some positive mental talk, but I got through it and loved every minute even the hard parts:-)

Learning: Stretch before the drive home... I could hardly climb out of the car when I got home, so grateful for the hot tub

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