Thursday, November 17, 2022

Zeno Quotes 1 November 17th 2022

 “Well-being is attained little by little, and nevertheless is no little thing itself.”

“Man conquers the world by conquering himself.”

“Nothing is more hostile to a firm grasp on knowledge than self-deception.”
Zeno of Citium

Thoughts from today's quotes:
It is important to define and continually refine specifically what "well-being" means to me before I can attain it, because if it is one thing one day and another thing the next, I will never get there lol. 

It is important to keep bringing myself back to who I want to be to enable myself to conquer myself, and if I can't do it, I'm going to be continually buffeted by what happens to me from the world outside me.

And if I continually fool myself that tomorrow everything will work out without me doing the work on myself today 
then I am a fool.


Zeno of Citium is known to be an ancient Hellenistic philosopher from Phoenicia who was the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy around the early third century, BCE. This philosophy was designed to shape the human spirit so that it becomes resilient, happy, virtuous, and wise, as a consequence of which they evolve into better individuals possessing great strength of mind and soul. Stoicism and its principles equip human beings to wade through the otherwise ugly and most challenging river of life with a composed mind and a calm heart. It is believed that Zeno’s teachings had a major influence in paving the way for the evolution of Christianity.

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