Friday, June 19, 2020

2nd week of isolation March 2020

March 23rd
Monday morning; winter again! Silent except the spring birds who don't seem to mind the change in weather

I am on the farm still, trying to decide what next. Dad died in January and I am slowly getting used to life without him. This winter I've been relatively contented with dreaming about vegetable garden, starting seeds, experimenting with sourdough baking and other hobbies with occasional bouts of social consciousness.

Last Thursday morning here she is!!
Morgan drove home from Texas last week and is self isolating in her trailer and the downstairs apartment here. We are still communicating by phone mostly although we've conversed at a distance outside a few times... it is too cold for extended conversations outside.

I was supposed to be hiking the Bruce Trail from March 14th to 27th on the first segment of an End to End fundraiser for the Bruce Trail Conservancy. We got 4 days and 90 kilometers in before the BTC cancelled all events and organized hikes, our included. This is only a postponement for us, hopefully we'll be able to continue soon and finish this summer.

This global pandemic which is causing us to contract our physical mobility is making me think about all the people I know farther away and that I have not connected with in a long time.

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