Friday, June 19, 2020

Words and talk

"Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs."
Pearl Strachan Hurd  (1930's British politician)

"Small Game Hunting at the Local Coward Gun Club" by Megan Gail Coles 
Just finished reading this haunting, heartbreaking book. I chose today's quote because words can be weapons that are manipulated by cowards to victimize and abuse people. Words are many times over more insidiously and overtly dangerous than weapons, yet we use them carelessly; tossing them out without thought of where and how they might land. And if we are called out for this we justify ourselves with more words. Like: people are too sensitive ...the "sensitive" ones are to blame for being hurt by our words. Yup, and the more we "desensitize" ourselves by blaming the target the more words we can use because hey, its not our fault if someone gets hurt, we are entitled to free speech too. Humbug! Free speech is a privilege to be used wisely, not an entitlement to carelessly utter without a care to the impact. The old saying "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" is bullshit. We can make ourselves numb to words, we can hide our hurt so often it becomes a habit, we can drown out everyone else with our own words, but the pain is still there and it takes more courage to face and acknowledge it than it does to be a coward who blusters our way by using our words to belittle anyone or anything that is different or thinks differently than ourselves. Respecting other people no matter how different they are and allowing them the dignity to be themselves is the only way we can deserve that respect and dignity we feel should be ours. That does not mean accepting abuse or victimization, it means understanding that those are symptoms and focusing on the symptoms without addressing the causes is perpetuating the weaponizing of words that are creating widening chasms between people. Time for change and change starts within all of us. Courage my friends!!

“Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows.” 
Native American Proverb  

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