Thursday, February 03, 2022

Happy New Year (Dec 30th 2021)

 It has been said that love is a function of communication. I believe that to be true. I believe, by extension, that human understanding is a function of communication. And the better human beings understand one another, the higher the level of functioning.

Dan Pallotta; Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong | TED Talk

“You’ll never change a community you don’t know, and you can’t begin to know a community until you hear, feel, taste and tramp through it.”
Robert Egger: Begging for Change: The dollars and sense of making non profits responsive, efficient and rewarding for all

"The future of every community lies in capturing the passion, imagination, and resources of its people."
Ernesto Sirolli

Thoughts for entering 2022

It seems to me that change will never happen when we are busy trying to patch up problems created by doing things the way we've always done them. The end of a year is a special time to reflect on our blessings and be grateful. 

I am thinking about where I can make a difference and take actions that will make people/someone feel heard, recognized, empowered, and valued. It does not matter if what I do is a drop in the bucket, a shot in the dark or a dead flop. We are like stars in the sky, billions of tiny lights, each different and each a part of a galaxy, and with billions of galaxies in the universe what difference does a tiny star make?? If all the stars grow dim our universe will be dark. I want my energy to keep my star burning bright because to do anything less is to waste the gift of life I've been given. 

I wish for all a healthy, safe, sharing, empowering, opportunity filled, energizing, exciting, warm, loving, giving and Happy New Year!!

“ALL of my models take things our society thinks aren’t pretty, or important—bruised fruit, bent veggies, felons, addicts, and older people—and we reveal their true beauty and value. In our kitchen, all food has power, and all people have potential.”
Robert Egger

“Wrinkled food or wrinkled people, the idea is to show that just because someone or something has a bruise, blemish, or wrinkle doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have an important role in strengthening our society. The goal is to look past the superficial and dig deep to reach the potential.”
Robert Egger

The future isn’t about how many pounds of food you move, but how you utilize every ounce to liberate, empower or uplift.
Robert Egger

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