Thursday, February 03, 2022

What is the Answer and what the heck is the question? (January 6 2022)

 "Doing the right thing is not the problem, knowing what the right thing is, that's the challenge"

Lyndon B Johnson

"It is a mistake to suppose that there is always a single right answer to every moral dilemma."
Richard Norman

My thoughts;

2022 has begun and, although the change to a new calendar year feels like a divide between an old and a new, an opportune time to make change, it is merely another day in a life. Each change of day, change of hour, change of minute, change of second is a divide if I look at time as something that separates now from then, past from future, missed opportunity or potential for change.

What has time to do with Moral and Ethical challenges? 

Everything! In the future I will know the result of my action. This will determine the relative value of my decisions, but it does not help me now. Despite my intention for 2022 to stop worrying and accept I cannot be perfect and make everyone happy I am waking up at night worrying about the impact of choices I have made and need to make. Despite my intention to be the boss of my mind I am still ruminating over the potential consequences and fall out of alternative choices and what is the "right" thing to do. 

Choices need to be made in the flow, I can't wait to see what happens before I do something or I won't sleep. And, sadly, just because there is a time change my decisions do not become automatically better or wiser. The only way my decisions become better or wiser is because I can learn from them. And if I don't see any right answer the challenge is to determine, from my experience, what I believe is the best choice in the circumstances and then take responsibility for the results. 

How do I live with myself if the results turn out to hurt people I admire and care for or to make things harder for people already working hard ... I don't know... these are difficult decisions. I think of all the what ifs, and go in circles, I accept that is my process. Is there an absolute right and wrong... well that question takes me down a long and winding rabbit hole with many branching tunnels that I'm not going to explore today. While I may not make the same decision tomorrow or in 2023, right now my decision has to be based on my motives. If there is no absolute right or wrong then my moral compass has to be my guide. 

Sheesh I just want to retreat to the trees and their patience, and live in forest time. I know that today's issues will be resolved and there will be new ones tomorrow and this only matters now. This moment my experience and heart send me in one direction and my what ifs another. 

What would a tree do? Be! If a tree grows too tall and gets hit by lightning that just is. The tree recovers or not, changes course and grows stronger or continues stunted and weak. 

My choices today are not life or death. They are not as dramatic or life altering as being struck by lightning (I hope). I will close my eyes, hold my breath and plug my nose for a couple seconds, then jump where my heart and my concerns for the greater good take me. I will live with my choice and deal with the resulting choices with more experience and more sleep I hope.

Wishing you all the joy living in the Flow!! This is a very alive, learning, growing place to be, definitely not boring:-)


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