Thursday, September 26, 2019

All lies and jest

I have squandered my resistance   For a pocketful of mumbles, such are ..., Simon and Garfunkel Quotes
I woke up with Simon and Garfunkel song lyrics running through my mind. Many of them are even more profound and relevant now in this crazy mess of a wold we have created. We have a choice what to listen to and wow do we ever get passionate about disregarding the rest. If we could speak and listen with our heart instead of our mind I wonder where this world would be??? 
Greta Thunberg's voice is the voice of her heart and I think this is why it is so loud and heard above the rest. A child with nothing to gain but a chance to live in a world of peace, harmony and respect of nature and people and she's going for it. This is life and death for her and her generation and so there is nothing to lose. 
Even if you don't believe the earth is in as desperate a state the children have nothing to hope for in the world as it is except more of the same. Wars and poverty created by greed, the demolition of health care and education systems in democratic worlds, greater disparity between rich and poor. Suicide, depression, unhappiness for the rich and poverty, lack of basic food, shelter and safety for the poor.
What if we were not so cynical and conditioned to judge everything by a set of standards that give excuses to "disregards the rest"
Would more of us hear the hollowness behind the "fairy tales of eternal economic growth"

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