Thursday, January 14, 2021

A new Dawn From Nov 5th 2020

 "It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn’t feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.”

Neil Armstrong
“To some this may look like a sunset. But it’s a new dawn.”
Chris Hadfield
These times will be history in the blink of an eye, or less.  I have lived through more than 22,630 sunsets and dawn so far in my life and potentially I may live another 10,950 ...  looking at it this way  each day is a very small part of my life.  There are many things I've cared passionately about over these days, and the further back I look at these the smaller they are. We know that life goes on and that nothing stays the same and that human's are irrevocably changing the earth and making poor choices for their future. Still we need to carry on each day. Covid will not last forever. Politicians will come and go. Resources we have now will get consumed and wasted. Yet, it is inevitable that change will come . And for this we can live each day the best we can. 

Be Kind! To yourself and others ... 
if we could all take a break from judging and analyzing and blaming for an instant and breathe  kindness into our lives imagine what a sigh of relief would be felt round the world

Here's a list of Ted Talks that, if we substitute for 20 minutes a day of listening to news or scrolling through social media, 
or to replace  20 minutes of the time we spend complaining, feeling impotent and helpless, and blaming the government, corporations, other people for our perceived problems:  

This is an infinitesimally small amount of time in the Earth's existence and not even a speck in the Universe.


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