Thursday, January 14, 2021

Will the real me please show up! from Dec 10 2020

 “If you change nothing, nothing changes.”

Mel Robbins

“Your doubts create mountains. Your actions move them.”
Mel Robbins

As a motivating speaker Mel Robbins is right up there! Her "Start Here" series gave me a little kick in the pants, which I was kind of surprised at because I thought I had listened to just about every motivational talk going lol. The episode on Boundaries and toxic people was particularly enlightening to me. (The Audible link for this audio series is at the end of this message.)

And here are my thoughts for the morning... 
There is nothing as powerful and nothing as hard as taking the first step. I'm sure everyone of us has had to take a step to make change sometime in our lives, whether to end a relationship, leave a job, start something new, follow a dream ... anything. 

I know I have spent far too much time deliberating about taking an action, sometimes I don't trust myself and let the doubts shout down the dream, or I try to design perfection before I start something. I used to think it was because I was afraid of failing, now I think maybe it is because I'm afraid of success. Success means more responsibility, more unknowns, higher and more challenging mountains. Success means I can't use my old excuses and I'll have to work harder and maybe miss out on some other stuff. Success means change and while I want change do I want it enough? What I do know is taking action and making change, facing my fears and challenging them head on by stepping into them, accepting ultimate responsibility for who I am and what I do is powerfully energizing. 
Showing up is how I want to live this one life I have been given. Staying home is not living to me!!

Lots of introspection because it is my birthday week and I do like to reflect accomplishments and write intentions for how and where I want to show up in the next year of my life.


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