Thursday, January 14, 2021

Think about the Future from Nov 12th 2020

 “The indigenous people around the world before they made a major decision used to ask themselves: how does this decision affect our people seven generations ahead?”

Jane Goodall

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
Jane Goodall

Imagine seven generations from now... 

I'm not a science fiction reader but I read that there is not much science fiction written these days that takes place on Earth in 2100 and beyond. That is a lot less than seven generations. A massive shift is happening in the environment, now fast enough that we are seeing impacts and we will see the pace of change and devastation to our planet accelerating.

If we think about impact on future generations with every choice we make, if we slow our decision making down and not accept that the way we think is the way things are, the change that happens might make the future for the next generation and our grandchildren's children a little more possible. 

We could challenge ourselves to slow down and think of the unconscious things we use that we take for granted that use resources unnecessarily ... resources that will not be available for generations to come if we don't slow down now.


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