Thursday, January 28, 2021

Walls, limitless walls

 It is what a man thinks of himself that really determines his fate.

Henry David Thoreau

The sun shines today regardless of what we humans do to ourselves and each other. We are never separate from energy, from the earth, from the universe. There is no barrier that keeps us isolated from these except those we create in our mind. 

If we look at a wall and think it is the same wall we were stuck looking at yesterday and the day before, and the same wall we will be looking at until this lockdown is over then it is a barrier to our living. But what is this wall? If we look at new houses being built a wall is a dream being constructed for families and people who wish for a safe place of their own. Walls surround space, and are surrounded by space. Walls have a life story of their own. The atoms that bond energetically together to be this wall during this tiny second in the eons of the life of the universe came from somewhere in the earth and in a relative blink they will form something else. There is no permanence to these physical walls. The earth will claim them as long as the sun's energy can sustain life on this planet we call home. 

Walls are a construct of human imagination, experimentation and effort. Walls help us contain heat to stay warm, light to read at night, give us some privacy and a feeling of security. The making of our walls have fed and clothed many people. There are light sides and dark sides to walls. The sourcing of wall composition materials and the construction of our homes and buildings have also come from exploitation of workers, profits of corporations, pollution, mining and resulting complications that upset the balance of nature, contaminate drinking water and contribute to change in the oceans. Infinite seeming random occurrences and coincidences have come together in these walls that contain us. There is so much to ponder in walls, like the shadows that can be beautiful or terrifying, and the emotion walls have been witness to; music and laughter, yelling and crying, sadness and happiness, boredom and excitement, all things are present in walls.  

These are the physical walls. Then there are the walls we create in our minds... when we can choose anything why choose to live contained in our assumptions??

What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.

Henry David Thoreau

The perception of beauty is a moral test.

Henry David Thoreau


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